Hiya! So after summing up 2013 in the last post, time to look forward into 2014!
Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by The Broke and Bookish.
top ten bookish resolutions
1) Read everything I own- including everything on kindle!
2) Reach 200 GFC followers by next year(: I am proud to say I reached my 2013 goal of 100!! Thank you *heart* and 100 bloglovin followers.
3) Read more classics and nonfiction
4) Post more on my Hebrew blog- talk about neglect!
5) Read 60 books- this was my goal last year and I think I met it, but I have to check..
6) Turn my siblings into readers- I've started reading Greek Mythology to them, so far going well!
7) Buy a unique blog design and make a button- if all goes as planned, this will happen in the summer(:
8) Visit more blogs, comment more! Love reading everyone's review and discussions!
9) Review more debuts- if you're a new author, shoot me an email!
10) Continue to enjoy reading and learning as much as I can(:
Hope we all manage to stick with these- I'm proud to say I kept most of mine from last year, you can see them here. Have an amazing year and leave me your TTT posts or just stop and say hi!
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